Culture & Media

Museums and Galleries

Food and Restaurants

Concerts and Events

  • Paris Update - An insider's weekly guide to Paris happenings
  • TimeOut - information on 33 cities including Paris, with a weekly update list of events (and guide to hotels, restaurants, etc)
  • FNAC - where you can book tickets to most concert events
  • Paris France Guide - well-maintained calendars of events
  • - pick a day and see what's happening
  • Parissi Guide - including expositions, art shows, festivals and more
  • Ecrannoir - compendius film site with archives, reviews, interviews (but no show times)



  • Parillusion - interesting web experiment offering great ideas for discovering the hidden treasures of Paris
  • Paris Balades - online guide to walks in Paris ("for residents and faithful visitors")
  • Invisible Paris Walks - downloadable walking tours of neat places in Paris

French Newspapers


Radio & TV