Useful Links
The UC Paris Study Center offers the following non-exhaustive lists of useful links for living in Paris. The Study Center does not endorse any of the companies listed and cannot be held responsible for the information provided on these sites.
Health and Safety
Hospitals, 24h Pharmacies, mental and physical health practitioners, vegan/vegetarian resources
Universities, Institutions, Libraries
Culture and Media
Museums, Galleries, TV stations, Radio, Newspaper
Getting the most out of Paris
Looking for housing? Want to meet more French students? Check this section out!
Department Stores, Specialised Shops, ...
Metro, Buses, Trains, Airlines
Need to send a suitcase or two home?
Former program participants share some useful tips:
- Say Bonjour Madame, Bonjour Monsieur when entering a shop or sitting down at a cafe.
- Don't smile at random strangers; avoid eye contact in the metro
- You don't need to leave a tip here; it's always included in the bill
- Don't use large bills to pay for little things; try to have exact change when possible
- Sometimes little kids can be skilled pickpocketers!
- The French raise their thumb to mean the number "1", not their index finger.